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Installation Without Needing An Internet Connection


I have you wondering, why do we even need to have a hack for this…
That’s just how Microsoft is these days.

Anyway, I’ll show you how to evade some stupid implementations using a little trickery!


Before enthusiastically following this guide, you might want to combine this one with this guide for an installation of Windows 11 without bloatware.


  1. Boot a Windows 11 ISO like normal (but without an internet connection of course).
  2. Once you’re on the “Oops, you’ve lost internet connection” or “Let’s connect you to a network” page, use the Shift+F10 keyboard shortcut to open the command prompt.

    Once you’re in the command prompt, type the following down below and press enter:

If everything went well, your computer should restart automatically.

  1. Once it boots up again, follow the process like normal, and when you’re on the “Oops, you’ve lost internet connection” or “Let’s connect you to a network” page again, click the “I don’t have internet” and the Accept button (if applicable).

That’s it. byebye (●’◡’●).